David and I answer your questions from YouTube. How is ACTUAL actually pronounced? Is it okay to use American idioms and slang during the IELTS speaking test? How do you pronounce ‘goal’ vs. ‘go’? And, a question even Americans want to know: How the heck do you pronounce ‘rural’??
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Show Notes:
- How is ACTUAL actually pronounced?? CH or SH?
- What does ‘sneak peak’ mean, and how is it pronounced?
IELTS: Is it okay to use American idioms and slang during the speaking test? - How can someone become Rachel’s student? (join Rachel’s English Academy)
- How to pronounce ‘Saturday’ and ‘yesterday’ smoothly?
- Using “sir” for women, and how to address women in English?
- Compare ‘go’ vs. ‘goal’ and ‘so’ vs. ‘soul’.
- How to pronounce ‘millionaire’ and ‘billionaire’?
- How to pronounce words with R’s and L’s? Like ‘rural’. Even broadcasters have a hard time with this word! And it has been part of a joke in the TV show 30 Rock (The Rural Juror! — clip 1, clip 2)
- How to pronounce ‘on our’ (it sounds a lot like ‘honor’!)
- How to pronounce ‘find that’ and ‘like that’ with fluency?
- What is the T in ‘certain’? (video on how to pronounce mountain)